Mon 01 February 2021 Community Ankur Sinha Next Open NeuroFedora meeting: 1 February 1300 UTC The next open NeuroFedora meeting is on 01 February 1300 UTC. Please read the post for the agenda and information on how to attend the meeting.
Tue 12 January 2021 Community Ankur Sinha Next Open NeuroFedora meeting: 18 January 1300 UTC The next open NeuroFedora meeting is on 18 January 1300 UTC. Please read the post for the agenda and information on how to attend the meeting.
Sun 17 May 2020 Community Ankur Sinha Open positions: NeuroFedora is looking to take on trainees NeuroFedora is looking to increase the team to get more work done. We are looking to take on trainees!
Wed 07 August 2019 Community Ankur Sinha Open Position: NeuroFedora is looking for a Spin/Lab master NeuroFedora is looking for a Spin/Lab master to help us provide an installable image.
Thu 06 June 2019 Community Ankur Sinha Keeping software in NeuroFedora up to date This post summarises the process that the NeuroFedora package maintainers follow to keep the software set up to date.
Wed 29 May 2019 Community Ankur Sinha Fedora science/research get together at Flock It is time we started preparing for Flock!